
It’s November.  Somehow I thought it would be a good idea to do NaNoWriMo.

My oldest has loved writing stories from the time he was first learning to sound out words, and he had been asking to do more writing all through October, so I suggested he try NaNoWriMo.  And then I thought, “What better bonding than a common goal?”  So I suggested that I try NaNoWriMo, too.  I was a bit daunted when I found out that my word count goal was a predetermined 50,000, but I had told my children I would do it, so I signed up.

It’s November.  I’m doing NaNoWriMo.  My life currently consists of caring for my children and, after the last one is finally down at 9, frantically writing, trying to squeeze enough creativity out of my rusty fingers to make it to each day’s word count goal.  It takes me much longer than it did in college, when creative writing was something I had time for.  And then I still have to prepare for the next day’s school work or activities before falling into bed.  I’ve been going to bed at midnight and not getting any downtime.  It’s only November 5, and I am surviving so far…but I have a feeling it won’t be long before I’m exhausted and dragging, cranky from a lack of sleep and a lack of free me-time.

If you are homeschooling, NaNoWriMo is a great program for your kids.  If you do it yourself, then you are likely of questionable sanity.

See you on the other side!